SELINA Task 3.2: Systematic review of datasets used for Ecosystem Condition indicators

Contact: Isabel Thomas

For a detailed description and explanation of the questions and predefined answers, view the Guidance Manual

Reviewer Details

Publication to review

This source has already been reviewed, please input a different ID


Screening questions

Screening 1: Does the publication meet screening criteria 1?

Publication is a scientific article written in English and published from 2018-2022.

Screening 2: Does the publication meet screening criteria 2?

Publication contains at least one metric that is spatially explicit, based on quantitative data, linked to a specific ecosystem type and used by the authors to characterise the condition of the ecosystem studied.

Publication details

P5: In what country are EC metrics applied in this publication?

For terrestrial ecosystems provide the country or countries; for marine ecosystems provide the sea or ocean area. Please list multiple entries with a “;” character (e.g. “France; Switzerland; Germany”).

Please provide detailed location as specified in publication

P6: Do the authors quantify EC metrics in the context of an EC framework in this publication?
P7: For which ecosystem type(s) is Ecosystem Condition assessed in this publication?

Multiple selection possible

Regional Sea Convention
P8: Does this publication quantify indicators of Ecosystem Services ?
P9: What was the purpose or motive for using Ecosystem Condition indicators in this publication?
If other EC motive, specify here:
P11: Does this study explicitly address biodiversity or related concepts?
P12: What purpose does biodiversity fill in this publication?
P13: Do the authors specifically address any kind of policy questions in any part of the study?
P14: If policy questions are addressed, please record policy questions
P15: Policy domain

Classify the policy questions addressed based on the predefined categories

P16: Policy objective

Classify the policy questions addressed based on the predefined categories

P17: Do the authors specifically address any kind of business questions in any part of the study?
P18: If business questions are addressed, please record business questions
P19: Business objective

Classify the business questions addressed based on the predefined categories

Ecosystem Condition metrics

Ecosystem Condition metric details

Click button below to add details for a new EC metric

Study data availability

D1: Is the spatially explicit input data (primary sources) used in this publication made available to users?

Is a link to the data source included, or does the publication state that data is available on request? Note that inclusion of values in a table or figures showing the data does not count as the data being available, we are here refering to the ability to download and work with the data ourselves.

D2: Link/reference/DOI

D3: Is spatially explicit output data produced by this publication made available to users?
D4: Link/reference/DOI

D5: Is a metadata file made available to users?
D6: Link/reference/DOI

Additional notes / comments

Use the space below to write down any additional notes or comments regarding this publication that you feel may be relevant. You can also clarify any details from previous questions - please include the question code (e.g. M6)

Thank you for completing the survey for this publication. Your responses have been recorded.